Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Things that make me happy.

I guess everyone have a thing or two that make them happy. Same goes to me. I have tons of things that could make my day.

 Mon famille. Who can live without their most loved ones?! Please come and share with me your tips of surviving to live without them. Because I've tried and believe me, I suck at it. Hahaha. I need mon mère & mon père like everyday. I could not go a day without them.

 Mon amies. I need them. They are my daily dose of happiness. They get to make me smile every time that I frowned. They knew me well like they've known me since I was born. Some of them are younger than me but what impressed me the most is that they still respect me as an older person while being my friend(s). It's hard to find a person that could commit to two things at a time but hey, they proved me wrong. That's why I could not go a day without them.

 Bouquet de fleur ou fleurs de champ. flowers so much. My favorite are daisies! (though the pic above are chrysanths) I also adore roses, million stars, orchids. But whatevs, daisy won my heart. I love their ecstatic colors! They make me calm. 

 A simple good morning text from 'someone' could make me go smiling the whole day thinking about them.

Late night drive. To anywhere. With nowhere in mind. Just a short-long drive in the night with my fave people. Enjoying the chilly weather. Go and see the night life of the city. Appreciating the non-hectic road of the night. Accompanied with caramel lattes & just drive. Just me, you and the road. 

 Nourritures. I'm a food lover. My job is too seek food and eat food. Then later cry myself to sleep regretting the fats that I've consumed. Hahaha. 

 Caffeine enthusiast I am. Be it a coffee or a tea. But I prefer tea than coffee. I la-la-loooove English tea. Milk tea, ice tea, green tea, bubble tea, any tea! I hate espresso and I loathe double espresso even more. But I dear caramel latte and mocha frappe. 

There's more. But listed are the ones that gave effect to almost 100% of my life. So guess that you've know me a bit by reading this. Don't you think?☺️ 

Oh and just p/s: I took French this semester, that's why I try to write in French even though I suck at speaking them. Please, just ignore my French if it sound stupid! x

Monday, October 13, 2014


sungguh rapuh.
Cuba tahan.
Cuba lawan.
Sudah diteriakkan.

masih rapuh.


Hampir jadi abu.
Sudah sampai tahap debu.


Rasa yang itu.
Ya, yang satu itu.
Sudah usang.


Masih kaku ya kau disitu?
‘Tidak ingin sedikit pun,
aku berganjak dari sini’


Assignment Post Vol. 3 // Brother, you are rude.

I don’t have anywhere or anyone to spat this anger to. So I decided to write-it-out. I first jotted this feeling down in my journal. But then, while expressing all the angers in the book, I suddenly realised that my journal is only a 5” notebook. Then I thought to myself, “I have a blog for a reason”. Hah. Well my brain is always like that when it comes to certain situations. You know, functioning only when you’re already in the middle of doing something kind of brain. But hey, I did mention ‘certain’ alright. So that doesn’t mean all the time. Never underestimate someone else’s power. Hah!

I took 6 subjects in my second semester of being a communication student at my college. Well when 4 is already a hell for some, all of you people who take less than mine should be really thankful. Wait till you hear from them who take 7. Okay?! Learn to say Alhamdulillah all the time lah fellow student oiii (Muslims of course). Non-Muslims, you should train yourselves to say “Thank you god” all the time. But, I’m not here to preach about any religious related things. I have this thought that has been bugging me since day 1 of this one class. And this thing is stated in almost every religion that exists. Okay, I’m gonna jump straight to my point.

I love my subjects this semester. Most of it is an eye-opener for a young person who needs to be educated like me. And one of the subjects is Agama-agama Di Malaysia. Teach by the honourable Dr. MNM. Okay first things first. Do you know who this Dr. is? Do you really think that he’s only a normal middle-aged lecturer that you always met? Well guess what? He’s not what you think he is. He is a respectable politician despite from which party he supports and came from. He used to teach student in the States and he also holds so many powerful position in famous universities around Malaysia. And do you really think such well educated person like him would waste his time teaching us Malaysian student who are not thankful to have him as a lecturer? Well I think everybody (in his class) already knew that he is a 65 year old man. When you can’t respect him as a lecturer because his boring lessons and whatsoever, try to respect him as your grandfather. He used to tell us that he has 6 beautiful grandchildren and some of them are around our ages. Would you enjoy seeing your grandpa to be treated like that? Treated like what you ask me? Well ask yourselves. I’m not the one who walked right past him without asking any permission to be dismissed for a moment to the toilet. And of course, I already know that you peasants are too sleepy and by right wanted to smoke a hella pack of cigarette!

I can’t stand it with rude people! You are so RUDE! Why are you rude! Didn’t your parents teach you to respect the elders? Or are they the ones who cherish the moments in training you to be a rude brat? Whoah! Oopsy daisy! Someone mention the word parents hereeee. P-A-R-E-N-T-S niggahhh. So now I am rude for saying things that maybe only you knew about your parents? Well as the saying goes; in order for US to be respected by others, learns to respect OTHERS first!

-me who can't stand your rudeness and feels like kicking you to death x